PTM Proteomics Analysis - Creative Proteomics
tRNA Modification LC-MS Analysis Service

tRNA Modification LC-MS Analysis Service

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Introduction to tRNA Modifications

tRNA (transfer RNA) is a small non-coding RNA that consists of both nuclear and mitochondrial tRNAs. It has a length of approximately 75-90 nucleotides and exhibits high conservation across species. tRNA plays a crucial role in mRNA decoding and protein translation, serving as a core component of these processes.

Mature tRNA possesses a well-defined secondary structure, which includes the D-loop, T-loop, anticodon loop, and CCA amino acid acceptor arm. The 3'-OH end of tRNA carries a specific amino acid, and through codon-anticodon pairing, it translates the nucleotide sequence information of mRNA into the amino acid sequence information of proteins.

To date, tRNA is the most extensively modified RNA molecule discovered, with a wide variety and abundance of post-transcriptional modifications. These modifications are crucial for various core aspects of tRNA function, such as folding, stability, and decoding. Generally, modifications on the body of tRNA are essential for tRNA structure folding, stability, rigidity, and flexibility (e.g., m7G/m5C), while modifications in the anticodon loop influence protein translation through effects on open-loop structure, codon-anticodon pairing, wobble effects, and prevention of translational frameshifting (e.g., mcm5s2U/mcm5U). Furthermore, tRNA modifications can affect aminoacylation mediated by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRS), thereby impacting the accuracy of amino acid recognition. In general, tRNAs with low modifications are prone to degradation, making the investigation of the relationship between tRNA modification changes and tRNA expression changes an important research direction.

Defects and alterations in tRNA modifications and related modifying enzymes are associated with various human diseases, including cancer, diabetes, neurodegenerative syndromes, cardiovascular diseases, and mitochondrial-related disorders. Based on this, the analysis of tRNA modification profiles is crucial for establishing links between diseases, tRNA modifying enzymes, and tRNA molecular functions.

Figure 1: Summary of common types of tRNA modifications.Figure 1: Summary of common types of tRNA modifications.

LC-MS tRNA Modification Analysis Platform

To detect the changes in the abundance of different modifications on tRNA, Creative Proteomics offers a one-stop solution for LC-MS analysis of tRNA modification quantification. This service provides analysis of 56 types of tRNA nucleoside modifications, starting from total RNA as the input material. The workflow involves the extraction of total RNA from cells or tissues, isolation of tRNA, complete hydrolysis and dephosphorylation to generate individual modified and unmodified nucleosides. The LC-MS system is then used to quantitatively analyze and compare the abundance and proportions of each modification or unmodified nucleoside in the experimental and control groups.

Specifically, nucleosides with different masses and polarities have different retention times in the HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography, enabling the preliminary separation of different modified nucleosides. Subsequently, these nucleosides undergo ionization and enter the mass spectrometer. Peak areas are extracted for quantitative analysis of modified nucleosides based on the characteristic parent ion-to-fragment ion mass-to-charge ratio of each nucleoside and the retention time in HPLC.

Service Highlights

Optimized pre-treatment and the use of high-quality Agilent equipment ensure comprehensive and accurate analysis of base modifications, elevating the sensitivity, precision, dynamic range, and robustness of the analysis results to a new level.

Figure 2: Experimental workflow for LC-MS measurement of tRNA modifications.Figure 2: Experimental workflow for LC-MS measurement of tRNA modifications.

Types of Analysis

Number Nucleoside Symbol Number Nucleoside Symbol
1 3′-O-methyladenosine 3′-OMeA 27 3'-O-methyluridine 3'-OMeU
2 2′-O-methylcytidine Cm 28 5-methyl-2-thiouridine m5s2U
3 3-methylcytidine m3C 29 5-methoxyuridine mo5U
4 5-methylcytidine m5C 30 pseudouridine Ψ
5 N6-isopentenyladenosine i6A 31 2'-O-methylinosine Im
6 5,2'-O-dimethylcytidine m5Cm 32 3-methyluridine m3U
7 1-methyladenosine m1A 33 1-methylpseudouridine m1Ψ
8 2-thiocytidine s2C 34 5-hydroxymethylcytidine hm5C
9 N2,N2,7-trimethylguanosine m2,2,7G 35 5,2'-O-dimethyluridine m5Um
10 N4-acetyl-2'-O-methylcytidine ac4Cm 36 N6-threonylcarbamoyladenosine t6a
11 N6-methyladenosine m6A 37 2-methylthio-N6-threonylcarbamoyladenosine ms2t6A
12 3'-O-methylcytidine 3′-OMeC 38 5-carboxymethyluridine cm5U
13 2'-O-methyladenosine Am 39 5-methoxycarbonylmethyl-2-thiouridine mcm5s2U
14 N2, N2-dimethylguanosine m22G 40 5-Methoxycarbonylmethyluridine mcm5U
15 5'-O-methylthymidine 5′-OMeT 41 2-methylthio-N6-isopentenyladenosine ms2i6A
16 2′-O-methyluridine Um 42 Peroxywybutosine o2Yw
17 inosine I 43 5-taurinomethyl-2-thiouridine tm5s2U
18 2′-O-methylguanosine Gm 44 5-oxyacetic acid uridine cmo5U
19 1-methylguanosine m1G 45 5-carbamoylmethyuridine ncm5U
20 7-methylguanosine m7G 46 Queuosine Q
21 N2-methylguanosin m2G 47 5-taurinomethyluridine tm5U
22 3'-O-methylinosine 3'-OMeI 48 5-formyl-2′-O-methylcytidine f5Cm
23 2-thiouridine s2U 49 dihydrouridine D
24 4-thiouridine s4U 50 5-formylcytidine f5c
25 5-methyluridine m5U 51 wybutosine yW
26 N4-acetylcytidine ac4C 52 5-methoxycarbonylmethyl-2'-o-methyluridine mcm5Um


  1. Suzuki, T. The expanding world of tRNA modifications and their disease relevance. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 22, 375–392 (2021).

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