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Acylation Analysis Service

Acylation is a PTM of proteins that regulates a variety of biological processes and is one of the hot spots of life science research at present. In addition to the early discovery of acetylation, studies in recent years have identified a variety of acylation modifications. Creative Proteomics offers high-quality acylation analysis services, including identification, quantification and characterization of protein acylation modifications, providing valuable insights into your protein research.

What is Acylation

Protein acylation is the post-translational modification of proteins by linking functional groups through acyl bonds. The acyl donors for protein acylation modification are acyl-CoA analogs, which are metabolic intermediates involved in the regulation of a variety of biological processes, such as epigenetic inheritance, energy metabolism, protein transport and interactions, etc. Protein acylation modification is one of the hotspots in current life science research. Among protein acylation modifications, acetylation was first discovered in gene transcription, and with the deepening of research, various acylation modifications, such as propionylation, malonylation, glutarylation, succinylation, crotonylation, etc., have been gradually discovered.

Fig.1 Schematic of Acylation

Fig.1 Schematic of Acylation (Shang, S. et al., 2022)

Most protein acylations are dynamic, reversible and highly regulated biochemical reactions. Protein PTM is strongly implicated in many human diseases, including metabolic disorders, cardiovascular diseases, inflammatory and infectious diseases, neurological disorders and tumors. Inhibitors or activators targeting protein PTM have long been developed and have shown great promise in the treatment of these diseases, especially cancer. For example, HDAC inhibitors have been used as anti-cancer drugs and even to treat a variety of neurological disorders by enhancing synaptic plasticity, learning and memory.

Our Service

Creative Proteomics has advanced protein detection technologies and can provide customized services to researchers and scientists to help them reveal the complexity of PTM using powerful mass spectrometry technologies. Our protein acylation analysis services include:

Workflow of Acylation Analysis Service

Fig. 2 Acylation analysis workflow

Fig. 2 Acylation analysis workflow

Why Choose Us

Creative Proteomics brings a wealth of experience to the field of protein research. Our comprehensive services and products cover the entire spectrum of utilizing suitable and efficient gateways. Utilizing our proprietary platform, we have successfully implemented many proteomics research projects. If you are interested, please contact us for more information and a quote.
