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Proteomics Service

Proteomics, constituting the comprehensive examination of proteins on a large scale, encompasses the scrutiny of their structure, function, and interactions within biological systems. This field imparts valuable perspectives into the intricate molecular processes unfolding in cells and organisms. Drawing upon extensive expertise, Creative Proteomics offers top-tier proteomics services, furnishing invaluable insights for your protein-focused research initiatives.

What is Proteomics

Proteomics, a systematic exploration of proteins within a biological framework, involves the systematic identification, quantification, and functional scrutiny of all proteins within a designated sample. Functioning as the fundamental components of cells, proteins assume diverse roles in biological processes. Comprehending the proteome yields insights into cellular functions, signaling pathways, and the molecular underpinnings of health and disease.


The field of proteomics has undergone substantial progress, propelled by advancements in mass spectrometry, chromatography, and bioinformatics. Innovative high-throughput techniques facilitate the examination of intricate protein mixtures, enabling expansive investigations of proteomes across varied organisms and conditions. Integration with other omics disciplines, such as genomics and transcriptomics, augments the depth and precision of proteomic analyses, contributing to a more holistic understanding of biological systems.

Applications of Proteomics

Proteomics continues to evolve, driving innovations in technology and expanding its applications, ultimately deepening our understanding of the intricate molecular processes governing life. Proteomics finds applications across various scientific disciplines, such as:

Our Service


Qualitative Proteomics Service

Qualitative proteomics aims at identifying and analyzing protein sequences, protein profiles, and interactions between proteins and some substances.


Targeted Proteomics Service

Targeted proteomics enables selective acquisition of mass spectrometry data to analyze large numbers of samples with high accuracy, sensitivity and repeatability.


Post-Translational Modification Proteomics Service

While the genetic code guides amino acid sequences during synthesis, PTMs add complexity by modifying specific amino acids.

Workflow of Proteomics Service

Fig.2 Workflow of proteomics service

Fig.2 Workflow of proteomics service

Why Choose Us

Creative Proteomics brings a wealth of experience to the field of protein research. Our comprehensive services and products cover the entire spectrum of utilizing suitable and efficient gateways. Utilizing our proprietary platform, we have successfully implemented many proteomics research projects. If you are interested, please contact us for more information and a quote.

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